Czwartek, 19 Września 2024   imieniny: Konstancja, January
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The New York - Rzeszów motorcycle

The New York – Rzeszów Motorcycle is a unique custom Harley-Davidson Street Bob inspired by the cities of New York and Rzeszów. The bike was made for a Pole born in the Rzeszów region and currently living in New York. The machine is intended to express local patriotism of both homelands of the vehicle owner. This is manifested in the unique design of the motorcycle, which contains characteristics of the architecture of given city. These parts are not only elements of ornamentation, but also fully functional components of the motorcycle. The main elements of the construction containing the architecture of given city are as follows. New York: - wheels with Manhattan buildings engraved in metal with precision to the extent of visibility of building’s windows. The wheel contains such buildings as the Empire State Building, 1 World Trade Center, Flatiron, Chrysler Building, old WTC towers exhaust pipe looking like the Chrysler Building (covered with 24-carat gold) - ignition coil cover looking like The Oculus - front plow in the shape of old WTC ruins with the "9/11 Never Forget" inscription -timing cover with NY Yankees logo (covered with 24-carat gold) - fuel tank cap made form brass and imitating a $ 1 coin with Rzeszów-New York inscription - tank painting containing the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan skyline Rzeszów: - Revolutionary Act Monument - the most famous monument of the city placed in the middle of wheel among Manhattan buildings (covered with 24-carat gold) - seat in the form of the Tadeusz Mazowiecki bridge - the largest bridge in the city. The bridge is imitated together with brass ropes attached to the fender while the motorcycle's direction indicators look like the warning lights located on the bridge - air filter cover in the shape of city’s most known and characteristic footbridge with Rzeszów’s coat of arms in the center (covered with 24-carat gold) - rear brake light in the shape of the Rzeszów coat of arms - position light in the shape of the Rzeszów coat of arms - tank paitning containing Rzeszów skyline All construction elements are made of brass, steel and aluminum, while the wheels, exhaust pipe, clutch cover, timing cover, the front brake holder and wheels are additionally gold-plated. The world premiere of this unique motorcycle took place on May 9th, 2019 in the premises of Harley-Davidson of New York City. Customization: Game Over Cycles Design: LFANT DESIGN Painting: ArtGarage Leather seat: KM leather design Video: Mazurkiewicz Produkcja Filmowa


Data pliku video: 2019-05-10, Źródło artykułu:
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Powiat rzeszowski - powiat, którego siedzibą jest Rzeszów, mimo że sam do niego nie należy. Powiat utworzony w 1999 roku w ramach reformy administracyjnej, znajdujące się w województwie podkarpackim. Należy do niego gminy: Dynów (gmina miejska), Błażowa, Boguchwała, Głogów Małopolski, Sokołów Małopolski, Tyczyn, Chmielnik, Dynów (gmina wiejska), Hyżne, Kamień, Krasne, Lubenia, Świlcza, Trzebownisko.

Raj dla miłośników bliskich spotkań z naturą. Jedną trzecią ziem powiatu zajmują obszary chronione. Malownicze widoki i nieskażone środowisko naturalne przyciągają turystów jak magnes. Idealne miejsce na spacery w cichy i spokoju. Zabytkowe pałace, dwory, kościoły i przydrożne kapliczki świadczą o bogatej historii tego regionu. Szczególną uwagę warto zwrócić na zabudowę rynków miast należących do powiatu.    


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